Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Who doesn't love surprises?

A few people have told me I should consider blogging full-time. They obviously don't read here, or they would realize that I'm the most inconsistent blogger on the planet. To be fair, I try to only post here when there's news to share, and the most exciting things to happen to us over the last three weeks have been family board game nights and dance parties with the dogs.

We've got sweet dance moves

Peter's recovery has been nothing short of incredible. He's felt great, hasn't had any issues since surgery, and he even managed to breeze through that rough patch after tapering off steroids. He seriously handles brain surgery like a boss. Do they give out medals for this sort of thing? Because I think he needs one.
Please contact me for all your graphic design needs.

We're kind of in a weird place right now where we're having a hard time getting information or answers to our questions. After Peter's surgery, I asked the surgeon how much of the tumor they were able to resect. He laughed and said something like, "Well, the first rule of surgery is that you never ask the surgeon how much of the tumor he was able to get." Ok. Haha. Seriously, how much? Peter swears that the surgeon told him during rounds that he was able to get all the tumor mass, plus a little extra. But Peter was on morphine and didn't know where he was half the time, so I'm not entirely sure I believe him. We will be taking bets on this. And the stakes will be high.

We did find out from the pathology report that the tumor was just regrowth from the previous resection and it hasn't progressed to a higher grade. That is really good news, and we will be able to discuss that in further detail when we meet with the surgeon in a few weeks.

We did get a big surprise when we went in for Peter's follow-up with neuro-oncology yesterday. His case was presented before the tumor board again, and they are now recommending chemo and radiation. We were both caught a little (ok, a lot) off guard, because we initially thought surgery was going to be it for a while.

Peter meets with the radiation oncologist on Monday, and he will begin six weeks of treatment here in the next week or so. Meanwhile, I will be on the phone with Vanderbilt to see if they can offer us a bundle deal on cancer treatment services. I'll just tell them I'm getting a better deal from Comcast. I'm sure they'll lower our rate.

Until next time!