Friday, July 20, 2012

Maybe Tomorrow Will Be Better...

I'll just say it.  Today was a bad day.  I mean a really, really bad day.  A day where emotions ran high and patience ran low.  A day filled with an abundance of douchebaggery and ugly crying.
A lot of people have told us that we're still trying to process everything that's happened over the last two weeks.  I don't think that's it.  By the time we left the hospital after Pete's seizure, I think we'd both come to grips with the fact that he has cancer and that there's no cure for it.  But every now and then, we're faced with how much that really sucks, and we have days like this.

And yet, despite the fact that we'd like to high-five one another in the face right now, we're both very much aware that life, in any circumstance or capacity, is precious.  I know there will likely come a time when I'll look back on today and wish I had it to live all over again.  Not because I'd do it differently or because I have regrets, but because Pete is here, and that is pretty darn special.


  1. Love you girl! Many prayers. See you soon.
    Tara Rechelle`

  2. Good days or bad, we're behind both of you--all four of you!
